In the bustling town of Jorhat, Assam, a young boy named Ankush Gowala dreams of a future filled with innovation and discovery. Nine-years-old Ankush is a fourth-grade student at Murmuria Line No. 1 LPS. Ankush lives in a large and loving family. Describing his family, he says, “My father, Bishnu Gowala, works as a mason. He is the sole breadwinner in the family of eight. The other members include my grandparents, mother, three brothers, sister, and an aunt along with her son.”
Bishnu’s dedication towards his family is unwavering. Every morning, he leaves home at 7 a.m. to work on a school construction site, returning only around 6 p.m. Despite his long hours, he cherishes the sight of his youngest son, Ankush, studying in the very school he is helping to build. “Seeing Ankush in that school makes me proud,” Bishnu shares.
Ankush is a bright and curious child, with a dream that extends far beyond his classroom. “I want to become a robotics engineer, make a robot, and give it to the army,” he declares with determination. His eyes sparkle with excitement as he talks about his vision. “This robot will help in saving the country from enemies,” he says. He continues, “My eldest brother, Gopal, wants to join the Indian army and become a commando. But I have seen soldiers being martyred on the border. I don’t want to lose my brother and neither I want anyone else to lose their loved ones. I hope my invention will save a lot of lives.” Ankush’s aspirations are not just a reflection of his creative mind but also his deep love for his family, particularly his elder brother, whom he does not want to see fighting at the border.
One of the most significant contributors to Ankush’s daily joy and well-being is the mid-day meal he receives at school, provided by the Akshaya Patra Foundation. As part of the PM POSHAN Abhiyaan, these meals ensure that children like Ankush are nourished and ready to learn. “The food we get is so tasty,” Ankush says with a wide grin. “I really look forward to lunch every day.”
Bishnu is profoundly grateful for this support. “I have to feed eight people thrice every day,” he explains. “But with Ankush getting lunch at school, I don’t have to worry about one meal for him. He is pleased with the food served here.” This daily meal not only eases Bishnu’s burden but also assures him that Ankush is receiving the nutrition he needs to grow and thrive.
Ankush’s relationship with his family, especially his adopted elder brother, is one of deep affection and respect. Bishnu has always treated his adopted son as his own, never letting him feel any different. “My eldest son is adopted,” Bishnu confides. “His mother and I were siblings. She had lost her husband before her son was born. After the birth of her son, she expired. That’s when I adopted him.” A soft smile crosses Bishnu’s face as he continues, “I have always treated him as my own child. This year, he passed 10th and is gearing up for 11th standard. He wants to join the army and protect the nation, and I support him completely.”
In the heart of Jorhat, amidst the bricks and mortar of a school, a young boy’s dreams are being built, one meal at a time. Ankush Gowala’s story is just like a leaf from the tree. That tree is Akshaya Patra. And it tries to spread its branches and provide nutrition to millions of such leaves, so they can bloom and make the society a better place