The Akshaya Patra Foundation’s 76th kitchen was inaugurated in Avalahalli, Bengaluru. It is funded by the Canara Bank. This is the Foundation’s sixth kitchen in the city and is set to provide over 7,500 nutritious mid-day meals each day to over 60 government and government-aided schools in areas of Bidarahalli and Cheemasandra areas.
The state-of-the-art kitchen in Avalahalli was inaugurated by chief guests, Smt Manjula Aravind Limbavali, MLA - Mahadevapura Assembly Constituency, Bengaluru and Shri Aravind Limbavali, Former Minister - Government of Karnataka. Smt Latha Kumari IAS, CEO of Bengaluru Urban District Zilla Panchayat graced the occasion. On behalf of the Foundation, Shri Chanchalapathi Dasa, Co-Founder and Vice-Chairman and Shri Gunakara Rama Dasa, Regional President – Bengaluru Cluster of The Akshaya Patra Foundation were present. Mr Satyanarayana Raju K, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Canara Bank, attended on behalf of the anchor patron donor.
Following the ribbon-cutting ceremony, the guests toured the facility and served meals to children. The Akshaya Patra Foundation currently serves over 1.8 lakh children across 1,200+ schools in Bengaluru and 4.4 lakh children across 3,400+ schools in Karnataka.