Over the last 24 years, we have witnessed that efforts can make a real difference indeed. With the support of generous people like you, from 1,500 children, we have now reached serving nutritious meals to 2.25 million children across India!
As we strive for new milestones in achieving our vision 'No child in India shall be deprived of education because of hunger', we look forward to your continued support to help children make the most of the opportunities.As we strive for new milestones in achieving our vision 'No child in India shall be deprived of education because of hunger', we look forward to your continued support to help children make the most of the opportunities.
Disclaimer: The Akshaya Patra Foundation is a proud implementing partner of the government’s flagship PM POSHAN programme to improve children’s nutrition profile and bring them closer to education. While the cooking cost, including raw materials and fuel, is reimbursed by the Central and state governments, funds required towards other aspects of the programme, such as distribution and administrative expenses, are sourced by the Foundation from the donors. Working with the government and donors, Akshaya Patra has been successful in making the programme a trusted, respected and appreciated public-private partnership in the social sector.