Created By : Mr Smaran Mohanty
Campaign Goal ₹ 50,000
Raised Funds ₹22,951.00
Raised funds can feed 15 children/year
Start Date:Mar 26, 2018
End Date: Jun 27, 2018
Time limit for the campaign has passed.
Note: Rs. 1500 can feed a child for a year
Campaign Overview
Feed the Poor campaign aims to raise funds worth of 50,000 INR so that 67 poor kids will get a meal for a year. Can't we do this much for the society? I call all of you in my network to support Akshaya Patra providing food to hungry school children #socialchange #feedthepoor
Campaign Donors
- Mr. Shreyas
- Mrs. Savithri Menon
- Mr. Amit Agarwal
- Mr. Abhisek Das
- Mr. Raksha Iyer
- Mr. Munawar Haqqani
- Mr. Manish Nautiyal
- Mr. Piyush Kumar
- Mr. Jeevan Narasimha Prabhu
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