Ching's Secret has partnered with Akshaya Patra in a unique global campaign called 'India Ke Hunger Ki Bajao'. Spearheaded by Ching's Brand Ambassador Ranveer Singh, known by his avatar 'Ranveer Ching', the goal of this campaign is to feed at least 1 million children across India.
Ranveer who has been actively involved in planning the campaign over recent months has generously chosen to launch the programme by supporting 10,000 children, and sponsoring their mid-day meals for a year. As he explains in this video all it takes is 10 seconds and a small amount of Rs. 750 to feed a child for a whole year, and change a life.
Sharing his passion for this cause Ranveer says, "It gives me the most amount of joy to spread love, to spread happiness. There's nothing better than to feed a child, to educate a child. I love kids! I especially feel for underprivileged kids tremendously."
The initiative will be strongly supported by a television, radio and digital campaign, spreading awareness of this drive to raise funds. Ranveer hopes that being a role model to the youth in India, he will be able to inspire them to champion a worthy cause such as this.
The 'India Ke Hunger Ki Bajao' campaign is being supported by big brands like Yash Raj Films, India TV, Red FM, Reliance Fresh, Patel Bros., Paytm, Choitrams and Fluence.
Ajay Gupta, Managing Director of Capital Foods (Ching's Secret's parent company) says, "As a company we're in a good place. So it is now time for us to give back to the community that supports our brands. We strongly believe that by educating our children, we are ensuring a better future for our country."
With inputs from the New Indian Express